Healing From Daddy Issues

Six years ago today I started blogging. I no longer remember the EXACT reason I made “Daddy Issues” the focus of my blog, but after six years I’m glad to say I’m no longer DEALING with Daddy Issues, I’m HEALING from them.

Starting this blog was an exercise in honesty and vulnerability. I wanted to not only have enough content to write a book, but also, learn to deal with some things I had repressed or simply had not addressed.

Without this space to process the relationship between the experiences of my childhood and the decision making of my adulthood, I don’t know what my life would be like.

I do know, I probably would have missed out on the opportunity to meet many of the people who came into my life in the last six years. I may not have started my podcast, or began going to therapy, or even challenged myself to move transparently in my current relationship.

I don’t hold the same level of disdain for my biological father. I’ve had experiences that help me better understand the actions of my mother and stepfathers. I try to no longer take things as personally as I once did. And I’ve even become slower to judge others, maintaining an interest in what experiences have made them do the things they do.

By no means am I perfect, I’m still triggered in certain instances, I continue to judge others (including my parents), and my journey of transparency in my relationship is constantly being challenged.

With therapy and supportive friends and family, I’m growing and learning what parts of my past not to carry with me in my new journey of motherhood.

All in all, I’m grateful for what this writing exercise has taught me in my personal life, and feel blessed to have helped other by sharing my story, and the stories of others.

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